Friday, March 6, 2009

Catch As Catch Can

Her eyes are black holes filled with ink. Liquid centers of a midnight Sky. They are striking .. I have noticed that it is the eyes that draw me lately.

Lately .. the time I can remember after the space of the desert.

There are a few things that can be daunting to me. Innocence is one of them. Not that I have not raped and pillaged and killed enough to know better and naivety is not what I mean either .. but still when I am faced with a certain pure light of character I take pause.

Her voice is soft .. light ... trips along words like a small stream over pebbles. Faced with hard and not pretty facts she simply sizes it up and adjusts enough to continue over and around it. Not with a challenge .. not with begging ... simply choosing how she will see it.

She amuses me.

There is a fine line between the moment where I feel I must pull the curtain and stop the story because there is no basis in reality ... and the moment where I am not challenged by the story and I can actually sit and enjoy it despite the fact that it is merely ... a story.

She told me some about her family. There is .. or was ... and old woman in her life that speaks wisdom much like Oren. I recognize some of the ideals and ways and I can see the plains blood in her features. Her eyes especially. The rest of her is soft .. though she spoke of being alone lately and I can see the marks of it on her flesh. She did not complain though or speak of hardships .. she spoke of learning and how these circumstances have shown her how her dreams are merely seeds which have yet to reach and grow into mighty tems.

I can usually size a woman up rather quickly in the area of free or slave and .. though I can get it wrong sometimes ... not often. Now there are times I do nothing about what I know .. it is simply my own knowledge. I am still not sure about Genesee .. I am not sure if she is Genesee or Catch. I told her I would honor the plains blood in her and I gave her a choice.

There is a part of me that wants to take her from this place and put her back where her spirit will lift upon the wind and glide above the blood and bones down here. Preserving that innocence. There is another part of me that wishes to subject her to all that surrounds me .. one by one. Experiment with her and to learn her breaking point. To know the fine line where she can not continue .. the place where she gives up her dreams. To find that moment when she realizes the faith she has held onto for so long has rotted in her fingers.

I am not sure why exactly I gave her a choice. I can only say that .. it pleased me. I want to know what she will say. I want to know how she will say it. I do not care so much for the decision .. I just want to know how it will sound. I have not decided if I will honor it yet or not .. perhaps if her words please me I will.

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