Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Voices of Sahli

Conversations with Sahli can be interesting. If you can keep up with who is who .. otherwise they are rather confusing. Now .. as I said before ... I do not "do" spirits. And yet that is what seems to inhabit .. Sahli. I do not know if they are actually spirits of dead people .. people who were once real. Or if they are pieces of Sahli .. fractured and groomed to be of different uses for different needs. It would not be the first time I have had a conversation with someone who had different "inhabitants". I talk to such a person as I would any other person .. I just have more conversations within that conversation. It does no good to tell someone that they do not exist save in the imagination of a host personality. I mean .. honestly ... if I said that to you .. would you believe me? Of course not .. to you .. you are an entirety .. a singular being with self awareness. It is no different even when it is a fractured piece.

Even if that fractured piece is aware of the fact that there are others .. it does no good to deny existence.

Like .. denying the existence of feelings. Even when they are inappropriate and built on a lie .. something that never even existed like a misunderstanding .. they still ... exist. It does nothing functional to tell someone what they feel is not real. You have to acknowledge the feeling before you can get to the logical reality that what they feel should never have been felt because what they thought happened .. never happened.

Now if I just confused you .. I would not suggest having a conversation with Sahli. But if you actually followed me through all that .. you might stand a chance of having a conversation and coming out on the other side with your brain still intact.

Now .. I am a man at war with himself. But at least my selves know that to be functional .. there are rules. Sahli's .. inhabitants ... are not very respectful of the rules and that is not always good for Sahli. I tried to tell a couple of them that if they did not learn to be functional they were going to blow out their host and .. then what? It can not be that easy to possess because if it was .. well then we would all have a plethora of voices because I think that is what a spirit misses most .. a tongue.

Now in the middle of that .. piece of advice ... to the pieces ... Sahli said something to me that caught my attention. In the middle of naming off people who were not "like this" .. he said .. "Tao.. is not like this.. Only me." Well.. what did Sahli know of Tao? They were both drummers .. but ... did I need to get involved? I let it go .. but I had to wonder if Tao was up to his shitass tricks and if he had been messing with Sahli.

would figure

Then .. he started in on T'zuri. Now I figure it was to get me all wound up and in fact it did a number on me .. but I would never have let him know that. Would not do anyone any good to let it get to me .. in any way that could be seen or known. But someone in Sahli handled it before I had to and .. well ... with that he also ended the conversation. A very protective entity this .. and I could appreciate it. If there is such a strong one within Sahli who also will protect Sahli .. Sahli stands a chance of coming out on the other side. Now .. I know some tips and tricks and I know some ways to help Sahli but .. as I told Jaella ... it will have to be Sahli's idea and Sahli will have to ask me. I can not help Sahli despite Sahli .. I can only help Sahli if Sahli helps me help him.

All in all it was an interesting little sideline of conversation .. on my way to find the Ubar ... but it did not deter me or cause my intent to waiver at all and when I finally reached the Main Fires and I was finally told that Ayguili was seen last heading towards the stream .. I had a destination and there was nothing that was going to waylay me again.

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