Friday, January 16, 2009

Just a Note

It was growing late by the time we made ready to return to Camp. Several wagons were hooked together and driven while the rest of us rode .. sweeping out to guard what we had taken.

The little bit of slave flesh had lost her stomach on the side of Rocca. Poor kaiila. I have no idea what turned her stomach .. if it was the idea of being taken .. the blood and death around her ... the kaiila sweaty fur smell right under her nose .... whatever it was I was amused. Patted her on the small round rump of her ass and told her it would get better. I am sure by the dry smirk in my tone she knew I was lying. Which of course only amused me more.

By the time we got back to Camp I was all in. Tired as the day I was born and twice as grumpy. I took the slave to the slave wagons .. dropped her off there to be taken care of until I was up to it. Veered off and went to find a Healer that was still up and willing to deal with me at this time of night. Turned out to be an ugly old woman .. but her fingers were deft and skilled which was all I could ask for really.

I finally braved my wagon .. slept for an entire day ... before venturing out looking for food and company. First though I took that blade with the runes and scripting wrapped in paper like a gift to the Sleen Handler's fires looking for Ogedaii. Found him there and walked right up to him and pulled back my fist slugging him in the stomach .. as the air rushed out of his mouth I gave him an echo of an uppercut that smashed his lips against his teeth setting him back with a crash into a wagon wheel. He was looking at me like I was insane .. blood running through his fingers as he brought his hand to his mouth.

I tossed him the blade and he caught it .. watching me now like a herlit as he got to his feet.

"Do not ever disobey a direct order again .. Ogedaii ... and by the way ...

thank you."

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