Friday, January 16, 2009

Jungle Slave .. or Kataii Daemon

I was still gasping for breath and wiping blood out of my eyes when Ogedaii asked me if I was going to leave the blade in my shoulder for good luck or if I was leaving it there to impress the women and get myself laid.

I really was going to kill him.

After shooting him a very dry look .. all I had the strength for at the moment but no less threatening... I strode back to the big dead fucker and bracing my boot on his thick hide I jerked my blade out wiping it off on his greasy hair.

Ogedaii was finally doing something useful .. like cutting his arrows back out of the corpses as were the other archers. The rest were organizing what was to be valued from the loot drug out of the wagons. The wagons of course would be kept and revamped into good Tuchuk homes. Wood and metal were never wasted. All in all it was a good haul. Of course anything was a good haul when you did not lose any of your own men.

The slaves were lined up and .. being the commander ... I gave Ogedaii first choice as I promised him. Small price for saving my life .. even if I was going to kill him for it later.

There was another slave among the rest .. appeared Arian perhaps or some derivative thereof. I can not tell you what about her caught my eye. She was not outstanding in any way my attention would usually be caught by. Unless it was her eyes. Perhaps that was it. In any case she was the only loot I took from the raid. It was enough .. since I had spent a majority of it unconscious beneath the fucking mountain.

She was taken to be bound wrist and ankle and gagged before she was thrown over my saddle. A pretty enough piece of flesh.

It was only then that I slowly pulled the blade from my shoulder and shoved a torn piece of my tunic through the hole. Tying the rest of the cloth around to secure the plug. The blade was ornate and different than anything I had ever seen. It had runes and script that I did not understand. And ... thought nothing of at the time.

Ogedaii was parading his conquest around .. though I did see he had gagged her with several strips of leather .. every once in a while the two of them going at it ... looked like a love match to me. The kind of love that leaves bruises and blood trails.

I was curious though .. about her appearance .. something was not right there. Some other story beneath the one that appeared to be obvious. Much like the story around the entire caravan. Too bad we killed everyone .. I would have liked to ask some questions.

Perhaps I would ask the little savage beast herself.

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